
Weirdo 01 Spring 1981

Title: Weirdo 01 Spring 1981
Author: Robert Cramb
Language: English
Adult content

   Picking up where Zap stopped, Weirdo, under three different editors, defined a new aesthetic for the '80s, opening the way for a whole new comics literacy for a new generation of readers. R. Crumb, P. Bagge and Aline Kominsky edited three phases of Weirdo, respectively the "Personal Confessions", The "Coming of the Bad Boys", the "Twisted Sisters". Each phase produced a crop of new cartoonists.

    This Premier Issue 1 features mostly stories by Crumb: "TV Blues with Etoain Shrdlu," "The Beautiful Experience: The Weirdo Makeover," and "High Times Interviews R. Crumb," Photo-Funnies stories, story by Bruce Duncan, Glenn Bray, Church of the Subgenius, both covers by Crumb.

Weirdo 01 (Spring 1981)