Title: The Complete Crumb Comics Vol. 2: Some More Early Years of Bitter Struggle
Author: Robert Crumb's
Language: English
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"Some More Early Years of Bitter Struggle" features several key stories from Crumb's pre-underground, homemade comics of the early 1960s (such as Farb and Arcade), with stories featuring early Crumb characters Fritz the Cat, Jim, Mabel, and Little Billy Bean.
This volume is part of the most comprehensive Crumb collection in print and boasts a wide variety of material: Not only Crumb's well-known comics, but little-seen commercial art and rarely-if-ever-seen treasures from private collections and the artist's personal archives.
The Complete Crumb Comics Vol. 2
Author: Robert Crumb's
Language: English
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"Some More Early Years of Bitter Struggle" features several key stories from Crumb's pre-underground, homemade comics of the early 1960s (such as Farb and Arcade), with stories featuring early Crumb characters Fritz the Cat, Jim, Mabel, and Little Billy Bean.
This volume is part of the most comprehensive Crumb collection in print and boasts a wide variety of material: Not only Crumb's well-known comics, but little-seen commercial art and rarely-if-ever-seen treasures from private collections and the artist's personal archives.
The Complete Crumb Comics Vol. 2