
li'l depressed boy

Title: li'l depressed boy
Author: Steven Struble and Sina Grace
Language: English

 Steven Struble and Sina Grace present a romance with style points, told with the same lovelorn charm of (500) Days of Summer.
   There's a very simple test to see if you'll enjoy Li'l Depressed Boy. Look at the cover.
Does this apparent indie title focusing on a loner twenty-something interest you?
If yes, continuing reading. If not, then this book probably isn't your cup of fair-trade, organic coffee. But even if you're a superhero regular a city comic book shop, you likely know someone that this book will fit better than an undersized ironic tee.

   Published by Image Comics, S. Steven Struble and Sina Grace's Li'l Depressed Boy is a self-identifying blend of Blankets, Charlie Brown, and Scott Pilgrim. So much like the later, in fact, that there's even a pin-up in the back of the trade that is designed exactly like the Oni book's famous covers.

   There's a fine line that Li'l Depressed Boy walks, a line so thin it's like trying to measure fractal coastline - do the creators want you to feel bad for the main character, or are they making fun of a very identifiable personality prevalent in today's society?
The answer is both.

   Follow Li'l Depressed boy as he attempts to find happiness and discovers a girl that just might bring him what is missing in his life.